A unique attribute of friendship and relationship generally is that there's continual growth. In this process parties involved would get to know one another better and build a more concrete chemistry. Are you wondering how to go about these? We got you covered.
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200 Questions to Ask For Improved Friendship/Relationship
1. Would you change yourself if you could?
2. How would you frankly describe the opposite gender?
3. I hope you know I'm always here for you? (could be rhetorical)
4. Do you think we would always be friends?
5. Which dream do you wish could come through?
6. What can you eat for the rest of your life without getting tired?
7. Which kind of movies do you like?
8. Which would you choose: Love or Money?
9. What is the worst nickname you've ever been given and why?
10. Is there a time you thought I went too far?
11. Have you ever stalked a crush?
12. Has a movie ever made you cry? Title?
13. Have you ever secretly taken money from your parent's (s) pocket or purse?
14. What's your coping mechanism when you are sad or down?
15. How would you describe yourself in three words?
16. What's the last lie you told?
17. What is the meanest thing you've done or said to someone as payback?
18. Would you rather eat out or cook your own food?
19. What makes you feel stressed?
20. What is your biggest fantasy?
21. What hidden talents do you have?
22. Who is your celebrity crush?
23. What was your first impression of me?
24. What do you think would easily cause us to argue?
25. Do you believe in zodiac signs?
26. Have you ever been in a secret relationship?
27. Where would you love to live forever?
28. Where do you see us in five years?
29. How would you feel if your life now is a dream?
30. Which celebrity do you wish you could be friends with?
31. What actions do you consider unforgivable?
32. Have you ever ghosted someone?
33. What is something you hope would never change?
34. Do you like dancing and singing in the bathroom?
35. What would you wish for if a genie gave you three wishes?
36. Do you think a breakup is overhyped?
37. Which do prefer; Cat or Dog?
38. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
39. What personal trait makes you proud?
40. What is your favorite board game?
41. What kinds of gifts would you best receive?
42. Can you have a pig as a pet?
43. What is your love language?
44. What silly thing have you done that very few/nobody knows about?
45. Would you want to live a thousand years if you could?
46. If you had a superpower what would it be?
47. Do you think I'm a perfectionist?
48. What is your favorite thing to do during boredom?
49. How much money do you think can change your life forever?
50. Would you rather walk in on your parents having sex or have them walk in on you?
51. What genres of books do you like to read?
52. What is your biggest turn-off?
53. What is your most embarrassing memory?
54. What talent or skill do you wish you have that you don't?
55. What would you do if there was a zombie apocalypse?
56. If you could rename yourself, what name would you name yourself?
57. What is your favorite cartoon?
58. What is your biggest challenge now? How can I help?
59. What does friendship mean to you?
60. Which instrument do you wish you could play?
61. How would you describe me in three words?
62. What's your best activity for recreation?
63. What do you feel most ashamed of?
64. Do you think you are proud?
65. Would you tell me the truth if you think it would hurt me?
66. If an actor could play your life role, who would you pick?
67. What chores do you hate the most?
68. Which foreign accent do you wish you had?
69. Which artiste can you listen to every day without getting tired?
70. Have you ever shoplifted?
71. What's your best birthday memory?
72. Can you burn your certificate for a hundred thousand dollars?
73. If you could change one thing about my life what would it be?
74. What do you think is my worst habit?
75. What is your worst fear?
76. Do you think suffering is just a phase before success?
77. Who do you consider the most important in your life?
78. Would you rather have Wonder Woman as backup or Captain Marvel?
79. Do you think you're attractive?
80. Would you rather be popular on TikTok or Instagram?
81. Is money mandatory for a relationship?
82. What is the saddest day of your life?
83. If there's good and bad news, which would you want to hear first?
84. How do you know your life now is not a dream?
85. What is your favorite clothing brand?
86. Do you believe in love?
87. What is your guilty pleasure?
88. Who was your first-time crush?
89. Do you feel happy?
90. Would you go to outer space if you had an opportunity?
91. Do you think the gen z lifestyle is overrated?
92. Would you rather have bad breath or smelly feet?
93. What is your dream life like?
94. Do you have any phobias?
95. Which would you rather do: read a book, watch a movie, or listen to music?
96. Do you find romance movies unreal?
97. How do you want your life to be at fifty?
98. What habit do you wish to get rid of?
99. How well do you think I know you?
100. What would your stage name be if you became famous?
101. Would you choose an airpod over an mp3 speaker?
102. What nickname would you give me?
103. How long can you stay indoors without stepping out?
104. Do you think you can be a good babysitter?
105. What kind of Job do you think would fit me?
106. A dinner with Elon Musk or a full day with your favorite celebrity?
107. Who is the best movie villain?
108. Can you die for me?
109. What would you get if you had a day to spend five thousand dollars?
110. What would you do if I told you I was not real?
111. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
112. Are you okay with being alone for a long time?
113. If we weren't friends what would have been different about you?
114. How would you describe our relationship/friendship?
115. Would you rather have a pause or rewind button in your life?
116. Which social media are you most active on?
117. Do you hope to improve the world or are you less concerned?
118. What is the toughest decision you ever made?
119. What do you consider the most important thing in maintaining friendship?
120. Am I a shy person?
121. Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
122. What is your weirdest date experience?
123. Have you ever eaten sand?
124. Do you see health as more important than fun?
125. What is something you said that made you regret it?
126. Have you lost in a fight before?
127. What gave you a hard time in school/college?
128. Have you betrayed someone before?
129. Would you rather have a photographic memory or an IQ of 200?
130. Ever tried putting glue on your palm and then started peeling it off?
131. What do you love most in life?
132. Who/What do you think has influenced you the most in life?
133. If a genie could tell you one truth about yourself what would you ask?
134. Do you think vulnerability is a weakness or strength?
135. How much do you consider rich?
136. Are you a fan of long conversations?
137. If you knew when you'd die how would you live differently?
138. How long can you hold your breath?
139. Is bathing everyday compulsory
140. What do you dislike about people?
141. Why do you consider me a friend?
142. What's the story of your first crush?
143. Who is your favorite athlete?
144. If I came up with a heist plan what would you do?
145. What's your favorite color?
146. Do you believe in life after death?
147. Which would you rather watch: Hollywood or Bollywood?
148. Do you prefer to be alone or be with people when you're sad?
149. Is a relationship a drawback against one's potential?
150. How often do you change your toothbrush?
151. What's your favorite restaurant or eatery?
152. Would you rather be able to change your past, or see the future?
153. What are you addicted to and wish to stop?
154. Would you classify yourself as selfish or selfless?
155. Which song can you sing word for word from beginning to end?
156. What can we do together for fun?
157. Do you spend enough time on yourself and rest?
158. Have you ever registered on only fans?
159. Do mermaids lay eggs or have live babies?
160. Do you love yourself?
161. If given an opportunity, what would you advise your younger self?
162. Why do you think you exist?
163. Is cereal a meal or a snack?
164. What do you waste time on often?
165. Can you speak boldly in public?
166. What is your favorite smell?
167. Which subject made you fall asleep most in class?
168. How will your life be different in a year?
169. Have you ever been caught cheating on a test?
170. What are the biggest things you've learned in life to date?
171. What is your WiFi password?
172. Have you ever met someone on a dating app?
173. What do you think you are so bad at?
174. Which animal would you like to control if you could?
175. Do people drink or eat soup?
176. Who is your present crush?
177. What is the best insult you can think of?
178. Do you think you'd win if we got into a fight?
179. What is your biggest frustration right now?
180. Do you believe that Fanta makes one fair in complexion?
181. Where do our thoughts go when we forget?
182. Have you ever experienced sleepwalking?
183. Do you ever think of punching/slapping me in the face?
184. Can you show me the hidden apps on your phone?
185. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve given someone as a gift?
186. Can I ask you one question?
187. Which sport do you think is the most boring?
188. What is the first thing you wash in the shower?
189. Who would you be stuck on a desert island with and why?
190. What good habits do you want to cultivate?
191. If you could become invisible for a day what would you do?
192. Did you ever sleep in the afternoon and wake up in the evening thinking it is morning?
193. Have you ever lied about your age for any reason?
194. What is the weirdest food combination you've seen?
195. What do you think the first person to milk a cow was actually trying to do?
196. Do you ever type 'lol' without laughing?
197. If you could meet your president now what would you say or ask?
198. What is your most embarrassing/weirdest experience in a gathering?
199. Have you ever played sick while you're perfectly fine?
200. Would you save me if I were falling off a cliff?
These questions would birth conversations that would build understanding and would also aid in getting gifts and surprises.
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