How to Relieve Stress: 9 Secrets of 'Sweet' Life

Stress can never be ruled out of the world, but it feels like Nigeria offered to carry the biggest portion. What a generous country! The news we hear everyday and the hardship faced by the populace in a country like Nigeria is more than enough to cause emotional and physical tension; stress.

What matters is how well one is able to handle this stress. In this post I would talk about easy ways to manage and get relieved from stress still maintaining it's entertaining quality.

9 Tips to Stress Management

Make time for Hobbies & Fun:

Engaging in things you enjoy is a sure way to feel good, thereby relieving stress. These could be playing board games, reading, watching movies, crocheting, etc.


This is important in mood improvement and relaxation. However consistency is key for good results, no matter how little, it is better than none. Start with achievable plans and goals- 20mins walk or jog everyday would make a difference.

Eat Well, Limit Alcohol and Stimulants:

Stimulants or depressants may temporarily relieve stress, however they pose negative effects which could worsen stress. Balanced diet is the best option as it improves wellness generally.

Sleep Well:

Your body wouldn't be able to handle stress as it should if you don't get quality sleep. Seven to eight hours of sleep should do the magic. This might be difficult to attain but more often than not you would do better in any activity with quality sleep.

Slow Down:

Life can be so busy and hectic, however, slowing down is mandatory. You could try starting things early so you beat the stress of lateness.

Take a Break/Vacation:

Some time away from work or anything that brews stress is one significant way to overcome stress. It could be a personal time or a 'friends' time'. Listen to music, meditate, have fun and leave every worry behind.

Talk about your Problems:

When you have things on your mind, spill. This could be to family, friends, a therapist, or yourself (self-talk). Self-talk is a good aid but you need to ensure positive speaking always. Connecting with supportive listeners would go a long way.

Feel Good About Yourself:

The moment you have confidence in yourself and believe you hold a place no one else can, stress is reduced because positivity and optimism builds you psychologically.

By doing these, your emotional and mental wellness is improved and you gain more resilience against stress. 

We all experience stress on different occasions. Share this and help someone feel better. 


Your feedback is priceless, let us know what you think in the Comments Section below.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for this piece, I have been stressed lately and just been taking drugs. These tips are easier and better.
Gates Ogbebor said…
That's what we do- make life easier. Thank you for reading.