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LOVE OR NOT? A Poem and Story About A Nigerian Lady || Toxicity And Red Flags In Friendship/Relationships

After reading a post from this blog about Healthy Friendships and Relationships , I decided to share my story. My name is Jumoke! This is my life in words. Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash   LOVE OR NOT? I grew up in a home without love This won't be my portion, I swore My  mother was always broken and shattered She cried and suffered- that is all I can remember I promised to never fall in love So my heart would never be torn My mistake was to think it didn't matter as I got older He came into my life when I lacked a friend and partner I forgot my childhood take on love In ignorance, I gave it a chance, and what? My fear became reality with tears and scars The dotting young man became a dictator and heartless ruler I had made a mistake by considering love! This was her mistake, my mom My life was the epitome of my mother's She had endured life to protect her only daughter I failed her! I failed her!! I thought. What if my mistake wasn't loving? What if it was a mistake

Meaning and Examples of Platonic Friendships and How to Make it Work.

An Overview of Platonic Friendship: Photo by Matt Nelson on Unsplash . "We are platonic friends, but she's not giving me sex!"... You need this!! Everyone needs this. Platonic friendship comes with several misconceptions and many theories about what it is. It can be tasking to maintain because feelings may set in. I got you. We all have friends we love and play with intimately but never think of dating. Do you? (Let me know in the comments). In this post, I talk about the meaning and examples of platonic friendship, what it entails, and popular misconceptions. What is Platonic Friendship? Image by Congerdesign on Pixabay Platonic friendship is a relationship between two people with a deep connection who are attracted to each other. It is intimate but not sexual. The bond feels like romance but without sexual interest. In a platonic relationship, there is usually a high level of trust, mutual vulnerability, and reciprocated time and affection. At some point, either party

How Are You (My Friend) Song by Johnny Drille | Review and Lyrics | Video | Stream and Download

Johnny Drille's New Single.  I've listened to this song on repeat several times, and I thought it would be nice to blog about it since it has a significant relationship with friendship. Talented Nigerian singer-songwriter, John Ighodaro, professionally known as  Johnny Drille released a new single titled 'How Are You (My Friend)'  in October 2022. This new single is produced by Don Jazzy of Mavins Records and it has gone viral, even on the popular app, TikTok . How Johnny Drille managed to give a concise summary of friendship in this 3 minutes song is exceptional and it should be studied. He included the ups and downs of friendship, gave reassurance of the bond, and put the icing on the cake by maintaining the concrete love friends share through the lyrics . The song is emotional, soothing, and impeccable! Watch the Performance Music Video Here, From Youtube: Download/Listen to Music Here: Download Link 1 Download Link 2 Download Link 3 Official Lyrics: Intro I know so

The Power of Inseparable Friendship 2: A Thriller Story- Continuation Into Brotherhood.

For the first part, CLICK HERE : Part 1 Part of the curses that usually followed a child of awua was infertility, surprisingly, Itohan conceived. Apparently, Ogie was never a cursed child of awua and till date no one knows who his father was.  There was a clash! It cost the life of Itohan who was heavily pregnant for Ogie's child. Osato's father was murdered, his mother was nowhere to be found. Sasint  on Pixbay In friendship, we are each others' primary confidants, motivators, and activity partners in life. They lost all they had but each other. They trained together to become warriors as they kept searching for their mother, originally Osato's mother. History has it that, in the course of searching they killed numerous threats. Their strength was watching out for each other. Mentally, either of them would have broken down or lost hope if they were alone; they were alive because they were friends. Life happens and we cannot always surmount the shades it throws at us

10 Quick Sad Truths About All Friendships and Relationships

There are certain things we need to come to terms with in life. An irony about friendship , the word 'friend' is that it comes to an end as the three last letters spell. Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash Everyone wants a good friendship . Everyone wants to feel loved. But, limitations may set in - the harsh truths. Trust me; it is better to know what could happen than to get hit unprepared. This post contains some facts about friendships that may be new to you. Find them below. 1. There Is Nothing Like Perfect Friendship Just like humans, relationships or friendships are not flawless. For this reason, you must accept your friends for who they are instead of setting high expectations, which may take a toll on your friendship. 2. There Will Be Conflicts What matters the most in any friendship is the ability to settle your differences because there would be disagreements and arguments. Everybody is different and has different perspectives. 3. Not All Friendships Will Last Forever

The Power Of Inseparable Friendship: A Thriller Story Dated Back to the 19th Century

  Photo by Kevin Gent on Unsplash . In 1900, the Benin Empire had been conquered by the British and was renamed 'Nigeria' as suggested by Flora Shaw in an article in The Times of London on January 8, 1897. Just before the defeat, there was a clan of personae non gratae, unaccepted outcasts whose actual name is yet to be known. What makes historians and archeologists inquisitive about this tiny bit of history? The clan started when a brother and sister went into exile in 1830 to avoid shame and death. A serene family, living in the middle of nowhere took them in thinking they were a couple- that was the impression they gave. The siblings committed incest, a taboo ( awua ) in the Benin culture. Esewie (the sister) was pregnant for a male child- OgiemiĆ©n. She died immediately after childbirth. Meanwhile, Degbueyi (the brother) kissed the dust a few days after their flee as though the punishment for their  awua  followed him. OgiemiĆ©n, however, grew up with the kind family and the


Name: Adedire Aishat Imoh School: Iju Senior Grammar School Project: ENERGIZING WASTE Energizing waste solves two primary problems; the indiscriminate waste disposal and the epileptic power supply. INDISCRIMINATE DISPOSAL OF WASTE On many Nigerian streets, we find dirt piled up at corners, and most times, there are no proper waste disposal systems to take care of these wastes. Waste that are not properly disposed off could cause the outbreak of diseases like dysentery and cholera. It can also lead to flooding, which endangers lives and properties, lives and properties. Waste (solid and sewage) materials are also washed down into marine areas like oceans, rivers, ponds, leading to water pollution and the death of aquatic organisms - depriving individuals of their source of livelihood. According to the UN, over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihood, and marine fisheries directly or indirectly employ over 200 million people. EPILEPTIC POWER S